Hugh Morton’s photos

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Hugh Morton’s photos

Standard Rogallo hang glider with fairings on exposed tubes at Grandfather Mountain in September 1975
Standard Rogallo hang glider with fairings on exposed tubes at Grandfather Mountain in September 1975, in the Hugh Morton Photographs and Films #P0081, copyright © 1975 North Carolina Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library

Hugh Morton of Grandfather Mountain was a life-long photographer whose subjects spanned a range of interests. His photos are being cataloged and digitized at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill library. See Hugh Morton in Copyright of early hang gliding photos.

This related topics menu links to material in the main hang gliding pages where his photos appear. The links here are in approximately chronological order.

External links

A View to Hugh, Processing the Hugh Morton Photographs and Films, at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill library

Hugh Morton (photographer) Wikipedia entry

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