Photographers of early hang gliding

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Photographers of early hang gliding

Art based on a photo of hang glider photographer Stephen McCarroll
Stephen McCarroll

This related topics menu consists primarily of links to the main pages. The links are in chronological order. Images by most, if not all, these individuals appear on many more pages than are linked here. These are just where their main descriptions reside. Where possible, a photo of each photographer is included.

Bettina Gray: See under Developments Stateside in Hang gliding 1976 part 2 and see Electra Flyer of Albuquerque, New Mexico for her connection with movie star Grace Kelly (bizarrely enough)…

Bill Allen:

  • Photographed in his office and in a small group photo taken at the Northrop Institute of Technology Ultralight Flight Seminar: See Hang gliding 1974 part 1
  • Appears indistinctly in a photo taken at a meeting concerning powered hang gliding: See Hang gliding 1977.
  • Appears even more indistinctly in a group photo: See Annie Green Springs 1973 briefing photo key. He is number 26, crouching in the front at right and carrying cameras.

Don Dedera: Journalist and photographer, under Trial and error in Hang gliding 1973 part 1

Doug Morgan: Some early high-quality color photos… See Late 1960s and early 1970s in color in Hang gliding before 1973 part 2 and Swing wing in Hang gliding 1973 part 2

George Uveges: See under Sticks and rudders in Hang gliding before 1973 part 2. I cropped and enlarged the image from the group photo in Annie Green Springs 1973 briefing photo key where he is number 12 in the key.

Hugh Morton: Hugh Morton’s photos (related topics menu)

Leroy Grannis: Torrance Beach for his first ever hang glider shoot and Hang gliding 1975 part 1

Richard H. Hovey, whose photos spread the word outside hang gliding’s own publications: School for perfection and More Rogallos, both in Hang gliding 1973 part 2, and the earliest photo of Chris Wills under Late 1960s and early 1970s in color in Hang gliding before 1973 part 2

Stephen McCarroll: See under Trial and error in Hang gliding 1973 part 1.

Old time pilots on a hang gliding forum in 2018 or -19 confirmed that photographers W.A. Allen (author of the What’s Up column in Ground Skimmer) and Bill Allen (author of the Flying Bull column in Hang Gliding) are the same individual.

In addition, British hang glider pilots and photographers Don Liddard and Roger Middleton have collections of photographs online, to which many pages here link (under External links sub-headings). Film makers Carl Boenish and Burke Ewing created movies that document 1970s hang gliding and I have linked to digitized versions of their works. Bill Liscomb (LightWing Productions) has placed online his documentary video Big Blue Sky, to which these pages refer in many places. Bill, whose mother was the photographer Bettina Gray, is the pilot in several early photographs too. British photographer Adrian Turner (see under External links later on this page) documented hang gliding in south-east England in the mid-1970s, principally in connection with Hiway Hang Gliders of Brighton, Sussex. More recently, which is to say after the 1970s, John Heiney has led the way in hang gliding aerial photography and I have a link to his web site under External links.

For individual contributors to this history, see Individual contributors in Copyright of early hang gliding photos.


ATA girl Ann Welch, first president of the BHGA, took photos at hang gliding events

Copyright of early hang gliding photos

External links

Adrian Turner, photographer

Big Blue SkyThe history of modern hang gliding – the first extreme sport! by Bill Liscomb, 2008, on YouTube

Burke Ewing YouTube channel

Don Liddard photos on flikr

Frank Colver web site

Ken de Russy YouTube channel

Leroy Grannis: Interview with Hang Gliding Photography Legend LeRoy Grannis by John Heiney

Playground In The Sky 1977 – Early Days Of Hang Gliding – Full Length Film by Carl Boenish on YouTube

Roger Middleton’s hang gliding archive – 1975 to 1980 on Google Photos

Upshots: John Heiney’s web site

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