Help for this web site

Home (contents) Help for this web site

Help for this web site

What do you want to do?

Displaying a different page

To display a different page:

  1. Click the Home (contents) hyperlink at upper left.

    The Home (contents) page is displayed.

  2. Click the required link in the contents list (such as Torrance Beach or Skyhook Sailwings).

    A corresponding sub-menu is displayed.

  3. Click the link whose text matches the page heading you seek.

    The page with a corresponding heading is displayed.

Tip: If you cannot identify the page you want by following this procedure, try finding a page by using the text search facility.

Finding a page by using the text search facility

Use this procedure if you cannot find the page you want by following the procedure Displaying a different page.

To find a page by using the text search facility:

  1. Enter a word or phrase in the Search box to the right of the page heading and click Search.

    A Search Results for: [search text] page is displayed. It contains a list of pages that contain the search text or a close match. Each page in the list is displayed as the page heading followed the first few lines of text on the page, and it ends with a Continue reading hyperlink.

  2. Click the Continue reading hyperlink of the page whose title and initial text in the list indicates that it is the most promising.

    The complete page with the same title and initial text of the list item in the Search Results for: [search text] page is displayed.

  3. If the displayed page is not the one you want, click the Back button of your browser to return to the Search Results for: [search text] page and repeat the preceding step (skipping any pages you have already examined).

  4. If you still cannot find the required page, repeat this procedure using different search text. You might first need to delete the existing content of the Search box.

Contacting the author

To contact me, click the Contact link (there is one on every page) to display a contact form.

Alternatively, for something specific to a particular page, use the Leave a Reply facility. (There is one on every page.) Your reply will not appear until I see it and approve it.

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